Handcrafted Soap versus Commercial Soaps

Handcrafted Soap
versus Commercial Soaps
& How Handcrafted Soaps Clean
The Controversy: Handcrafted Soap versus Commercial
There has been an debate
about whether commercially produced soaps are
actually anti-microbial
and anti-bacterial and if these anti-microbial and
bacterial properties has
lead to the increase in allergic reactions, skin
inflammation and
inflaminatory conditions like eczema. The most
controversial aspect is
whether these anti-microbial and anti-bacterial soaps
have weakened immune
systems, resulted in creating "super" bugs
(extremely dangerous,
resistant bacteria and microbes) and other conditions
like staph infections.
While these issues are important, they are beyond the
scope of this website.
The "Clean Truth" about Handcrafted Soap
For health, beauty and
ecological reasons, as well as for the protection of our
skin, bodies and the
environment, both in the production and use of soap,
there is no question
that handcrafted soaps are superior to commercially
produced soaps. In fact,
the sad truth is that most commercially produced
soap is not really even
"soap" but rather a chemicalized detergent bar. In fact,
our personal opinion is
that these anti-bacterial and anti-microbial aspects of
commercially produced
soap are a danger to every individual who uses them
on his or her skin and a
danger to the public at large for increased outbreaks
of "super bugs.
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Country Craft Homemade Vermont Soaps © 2024
A Division Of G&M Distributor LLC